Sunday, September 27, 2009

Weekend Update: Call Me Evil

Call me evil, but I have to touch on a subject here that has been getting to me. So, for those of you that know, a good portion of the people that were on Hoarders post on the official message board (Located at: but there is a noticeable missing presence: Shirley.

I really would like to know what happened with Shirley (also, for those that don't know, we shared an episode.) Does anyone know?

The reason I said "Call me evil" is because I don't want to know her fate because I am interested in her well-being... I want to know what happened to the cats she was allowed to keep. If someone could inform me, if they have any knowledge at all, I would like to know.

I find it very unlikely she was able to take care of them to the degree they need. I certainly hope I am proven 100% wrong, but alas, I do not have much faith in that possibility.

So, if you have info, PLEASE, post it in the comment section.

Animal hoarding is an extremely serious and unhealthy problem. It is cruelty to the highest degree. I understand that it is out of good intent, but it is extremely harmful (as I'm sure you're all aware) to innocent creatures that have no power over the situation. It makes me want to cry. There are many injustices in this world, but cruelty to animals is the one that stabs me in the jugular the most.

1 comment:

  1. Jake, with all due respect, isn't allowing your dog to live in your home (in it's cluttered state) just as cruel?
